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Announcing the Launch of the New

We are excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website. Visit the new today to see the difference. After many months of hard work by our entire IndoMode team, we are delighted to officially announce its launch on August 1st, 2021. We wanted to make sure the new website is faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly for our customers. Some of you have been loyal customers for over 15 years and we really appreciate your patronage.

As a leader in e-commerce for Islamic items and accessories, it is important to us that we continuously provide a better service to Muslims around the world. We hope to make Islamic items easily accessible for our current and prospective customers.

Our goal with this new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to shop and find out about our Islamic products based on their own choices. We have divided our items into specific categories making it easier to go directly to the items you are looking for to purchase. Our new website also offers a wider variety of payment methods to choose from. It is now more convenient to use any of the major well-established payment methods such as Amazon Pay, Apple Pay and Cash-app, to name a few.

Our current and prospective customers will find it easy to navigate from our Catalog page to specific sections containing only one category of items. This newly-designed site is a precursor to our upcoming MuslimMall Mobile App which is currently under development.

Among the new features, the site contains integrated product videos and more detail photos for each item. Additionally, social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other major platforms available for sharing and improved communications with our customers. We will be constantly updating our website and catalogs of Islamic merchandise. You can also sign up for our MuslimMall newsletter so that you don’t miss out on our special promos and newest items.

For any questions, suggestions, feedback or comments, please E-mail us: [email protected]

Thank You!

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